“The Soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.” - Caroline Myss

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Crystal Meditations

Guided meditations in conjunction with crystal body layouts to activate the aura, chakras, and nerve plexus points creating balance and expansion.
45 minutes · $79

Specific stones are placed over the corresponding parts of the body and in the auric field with intention and purpose while you are guided through a visualization meditation and breathing exercise to integrate the energies of the stones. Each stone has its own specific healing properties, purpose and color, and is placed upon the associated chakra. After the stones have been placed you will be guided to deepen your meditation allowing the crystalline energies to raise your vibration, balance the chakras, activate the light body and clear the aura.


Crystal Soul Journeys

Connect to greater insight, self awareness and spiritual growth by integrating intuitive crystal body layouts while the focus is turned inward to access subtle levels of consciousness.
2 hours · $180

A journey into the heart of your truest self. Rise above the chaos & view your life from an expanded perspective to receive healing and clarity. Much like a hypnotherapy session we will access the alpha theta brainwave state that allows access to the subconscious mind. With the assistance of the crystals, the chakras are activated and the aura is infused with the light reflecting off of the stones, allowing access to your inner world and higher self for personal empowerment.

From this foundation there is potential to access information from this life, as well as any life imprinted in your Soul's akashic records. In this way we are able to journey into the Soul and recover fragmented aspects of the self, helping to heal, clear, and recover our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual selves. As you journey within, you will be assisted by an experienced and certified practitioner who will hold loving space and apply the proper therapeutics when needed.

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Crystal Reiki

Restore energy flow with this relaxing and rejuvenating session that combines the healing power of crystals with the soothing healing energy of Reiki.
90 minutes · $135

Reiki and crystalline energy come together to infuse the physical, mental, emotional & spiritual bodies with a very high vibrational energy that assists to heal, harmonize, and balance the whole, encouraging personal growth and spiritual awareness. Reiki is a safe, gentle, nonintrusive hands-on healing technique that flows into the aura and physical body, breaking down energetic blockages, clearing and balancing the chakras, to promote the life-force to flow in a healthy and natural way. This influx of high-frequency energy stimulates and accelerates the body’s own natural healing ability so that pain relief and physical healing take place.

Reiki energy flows from the practitioner's hands and into the recipient's body or energy field. A Reiki session feels like a glowing radiance that surrounds and fills the recipient. Usually the recipient feels very relaxed and peaceful as the energy flows through their body.




Quiet your mind

Cultivate stillness by slowing down to go within. Through combining the power of crystals with guided meditation, visualization techniques, and breathwork, we can quiet the mind so that the Soul can speak.


Find your center

Come home to yourself. Through the process of going within we connect with ourselves on deeper levels. Creating a strong connection within ourselves helps us to stay rooted in our center, maintaining greater balance, no matter what happens around us.


Connect to clarity

Cultivate a conscious connection to your Higher Self to see your life clearly and to create consciously. Becoming aware of limiting thoughts and patterns allows us to release outdated ways of being to move forward in the direction we choose.


Move towards grace

When we align ourselves with our inner world, we begin to live with greater awareness of all aspects of ourselves. Through self knowledge and self mastery, we can move forward with grace and integrity.


What People Are Saying


“Tedra’s connection to the crystals is evident, as well as her experience in a vulnerable setting in which we can face our deepest wounds.”

— Graham

“Tedra’s work is wonderful. I felt very much at ease and safe with her guidance and the way she set the crystals is art.”

— Ingrid

Long Distance Sessions

Long distance Crystal Healing sessions are a powerful way for you to be supported in your process no matter where you are located physically.

When we hold Crystal Healing sessions via long distance they are just as potent and just as powerful as they are in person. We connect over the phone or over video chat to discuss your healing intentions and then move forward into the session.

You will need a quiet place to lie down to go within while you are receiving your session and via the facilitator, stones will be laid on the healing bed to connect with your energy field. You will be guided through meditation and visualization to access your subconscious and achieve connection with your higher self. Once connection is made, you will be assisted by an experienced and certified practitioner who will hold loving space and apply the proper therapeutics when needed.

Go deeper with expert guidance in our Intermediate Crystal Healing Certification Course.